Default Welcome Intent - search - get_location

Now let's go ahead and create the location for when the user wants to search by it.


  1. Click Intent on the left menu

  2. Hover on Default Welcome Intent - search

  3. Click on Add follow-up intent

  4. Choose Custom from the select menu.

  5. This will take you to the new created follow-up intent

  6. Rename it to Default Welcome Intent - search - get_location

  7. Click save.

  8. Under Training phrases add a few locations.

  9. Under Responses add some dummy responses.


First we need to create the follow up for the search intent. And let's rename it again to 'Default Welcome intent - get_location'. If you did that at the previous step, you don't have to do that again.

Again, at the training phrases we add phrases that our uses might say when asking by location

And we will need to add a dummy text response there as we did in the get_name intent.

Last updated