
Title: AoG Workshop: By you for the community

Type: Workshop

Time: 90 minutes


Amanda Cavallaro: GDG Cloud London, Women Techmakers London

Eliza Camber: GDG, Women Techmakers Netherlands

Abstract: Wouldn't it be nice if by simply asking your Google Home, you could find a WTM (Women techmakers) Lead and invite her to your Meetup? And wouldn't it be even nicer if you were the one to build it? In this session, Eliza and Amanda will walk you through the basics of Actions on Google and DialogFlow and will guide you to build a conversational app where that will allow the user to add herself to a WTM Leads DB and search for others based on technology or location.

Short Bio:

Interesting/Fun Fact Eliza and Amanda have been supporting each other to improve their AoG skills for months, and in June 2018 they finally co-hosted, talked and helped during codelabs in one event together in London followed by another one in Madrid.

Last updated